Friday, June 28, 2013

Some Beauty is More than Skin Deep

"Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone" wrote author and quipster par excellence Dorothy Parker way back when. While even the very best plastic surgeons sometimes have to cope with being perceived as shallow people in a shallow business, the fact of the matter is that some of what we do is about much more than vanity, and it's anything but ugly.

Just today, we were reminded of how often top plastic surgeons perform the kinds of surgery that most of us would consider far from elective, even though they might technically be cosmetic procedures. Don't get us wrong, there's absolutely nothing wrong with facelifts, breast augmentation, or any of the kinds of work we do that improve patient's confidence and, more often than you might think, their overall health and happiness.

Still, it warms our heart to read about outstanding board certified plastic surgeons, not to mention a number of nurses and anesthesiologists, who went to work on unpaid on a Saturday a week or so out in Florida in order to perform free cosmetic procedures on 11 needy children. As reported in yesterday's Miami Herald, the procedures at Baptist Children's Hospital included work on deformities in ears, cleft lips, and skin grafts -- the not so glamorous type of plastic surgery that you almost never read about in the celebrity gossip columns.

The important point is that that this kind of work goes on all the time with plastic surgeons. Helping poor children lead normal, healthy, and happy lives might not be as interesting as an actress's most recent procedure, but it really is beautiful -- the kind of beautiful that goes clean to the bone. 

Read more here:

Friday, June 21, 2013

Cosmetic Surgery Show in South Korea Brings Excitement and a Bit of Controversy

Here in the U.S., we are lucky to have some of the best plastic surgeons in the world, as well as a culture that has made substantial advances in embracing cosmetic surgery and the healthy self-esteem boost in can bring. Medical professionals like the board certified plastic surgeons at We Know Beauty have done a lot to open minds to the positive life changes that can be brought about by the surgery, and it appears our love affair with cosmetic surgery may be spreading across the globe.

Two years ago, a South Korean show made headlines for inviting women who were unhappy with their looks to undergo surgical procedures to alter their physical appearance and increase their self-esteem. While the show has drawn record ratings, it has also lead to controversy about the show's positive portrayal of plastic surgery.

We are encouraged though, to see the show's production team challenging accusations that the series encourages women to undergo dangerous cosmetic surgery. Park Hyun-woo, the show's producer says that the stress from being unattractive is a real issue for contestants. "Just speaking about their physical appearance issues seemed to make them feel better," says Park.

"It's easy to say the standards of beauty are unfair or wrong, but if you haven't been in their shoes and couldn't carry on a normal life because of your looks, you shouldn't judge," says Yang Jae-jin, psychiatrist in the show's production team.

Anxiety or displeasure over one's aesthetic features is increasingly common in South Korea, and we find it extremely gratifying to see a top plastic surgeon team assisting South Koreans in achieving their beauty goals. At We Know Beauty, we understand that aesthetic beauty is a gift that all should be able to enjoy in their lives, and we hope people continue to open their minds to the incredible opportunities it offers.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Leave Gary Cooper Alone!

If you are used to reading celebrity journalism, you no doubt are familiar with the type of story in which the topic is whether or not a given celebrity has had plastic surgery or not. Did he/she really have it? Was the work done well? Which of the world's best plastic surgeons performed it? Is the celebrity overdoing it? Did he or she really need it in the first place?

Lest anyone think any of this is even slightly new, we stumbled across an item recently that showed us, when it comes to journalism and celebrity's privacy, the more things change, the more they stay the same. We recently stumbled across a post by Los Angeles Times blogger Larry Harnisch. The subject: the front page picture and news story from the long defunct Los Angeles Mirror newspaper from May 1, 1958. The topic was, yes, a very big star's plastic surgery. In this case it was legendary movie star Gary Cooper, of such classics as "High Noon," "Sergeant York," and "Mr. Deeds Comes to Town," whose face had been worked on by one of Hollywood's top plastic surgeons. It was, perhaps, more shocking to some people as Cooper was a Hollywood "man's man" second only to John Wayne when it came to his public image, and it was hard to imagine Will Kane, Alvin York, or Longfellow Deeds having work performed. What the public didn't realize was that the real Gary Cooper was a bit more of a sophisticate than most of his characters.

We suppose curiosity about these matters is only human but, when it comes right down to it, is it really anyone's business? And does anyone really have a reason to criticize an actor for doing it in the first place? After all, the reason actors turn to the finest board certified plastic surgeons they can possibly find is not just that they'd like to look good (who wouldn't?). Looking good is  also part of their job, especially if they want to delay the inevitable shift from leading man to character actor.

In the case of Mr. Cooper -- "Coop" to his friends -- he had been (fictitiously) romancing the very young and even younger looking Audrey Hepburn the year before in Billy Wilder's "Love in the Afternoon" and the nearly 30 year age difference between the stars was a topic of some discussion. You can criticize the casting of a much older man in a movie romance with a 20-something actress, but can you really blame Gary Cooper for wanting to look as not-old as possible while doing so? Especially when his older pictures were constantly playing on television, reminding people how splendidly handsome he was in his youth when he was romancing more appropriately aged actresses"?

Yet people had strong opinions, voiced repeatedly, on this matter then, and they keep doing it now. We suppose it's kind of fun to have strong opinions on this, but we'll never understand the people who seem offended by the whole idea of cosmetic procedures and keep saying so, over and over and very loudly. Ultimately, is a plastic surgery really anyone's business other than the doctor and the (consenting adult) patient?

Friday, June 7, 2013

Fair-Skinned Folks Should Embrace their Skin Tone This Summer

In recent years, beauty trends have dictated that a healthy tan is the height of gorgeous skin. However, for our fair-skinned friends, this can lead to attempts to fake a tan with less-than gorgeous results. At We Know Beauty, we believe in the importance of embracing our own unique beauty, which is why we encourage the Nordic-skinned among us to play up the beauty of pale skin instead of hiding it. 

At We Know Beauty, we wear our reputation as the best plastic surgeons in Southern California with pride. Our board certified plastic surgeons bring their top notch skills and experience to a broad variety of patients with different needs and cosmetic goals. However, we also recognize there are plenty of ways to make the most of our aesthetic beauty that don't necessitate our top plastic surgeons.

In the summer months, it is important for those with pale skin to keep their skin protected, but with the the proper sunscreen, pale skin doesn't necessarily have to be kept hidden all summer long. A good quality, moisturizing sunscreen can leave pale skin with a velvety, luscious texture that the olive-skinned folks may find themselves admiring.

By adding  a bit of blush to your cheeks, you can do without bronzers that all too often mask the healthy coloring of pale skin. Furthermore, an eye shadow with a subtle shimmer can reflect light and draw attention to your eye color. With these tips, the fair skinned will be looking stunning all summer long by embracing their natural beauty.