Friday, September 20, 2013

Here She Comes

When Indian-American medical student to-be Nina Davuluri won the iconic Miss America beauty pageant last Sunday night, a lot of attention was focused on some truly repellent racist tweets issued by, well, repellent racist twits. As unfortunate as that sort of thing is, the shocked reaction to the ignorant bigotry aimed at Ms. Davuluri points to the fact that the face of beauty has permanently changed in a country that -- for the most part, anyway -- is embracing its own diversity. In fact, some observers have pointed out that America appears to be more embracing of uniquely Indian facial features than India is, where beauty standards can be surprisingly Western-influenced.

As board certified plastic surgeons, patients are often ambivalent about changing certain characteristics that may, in their view, be associated with their own ethnicity. Certainly, the popularity of ethnic rhinoplasty, which seeks to improve the appearance of the nose without attempting to erase a patient's ethnic character, has been a key indicator. After all, not so long ago, the standards of beauty were pretty clearly set by people of Anglo-Saxon ancestry. As every fairy tale/Walt Disney fan knows, it was when Snow White was deemed "the fairest of them all" that the Evil Queen became so jealous.

We're happy to say that, today, beauty has a whole new complexion and a great plastic surgery before and after picture of a nose job or eyelid lift can vary a lot depending on the ancestry of the patient. One factor that, we'll all agree, separates the very best plastic surgeons like our amazing doctors at We Know Beauty from others is the ability to understand that beauty runs all kinds of gamuts.

If you think now it might be time to have the very best plastic surgeons in town bring out the best in you, you just might want to call We Know Beauty at 310-300-1500 or visit us

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