Friday, August 16, 2013

What Turkeys Can Teach Us

While we humans may strongly prefer the taste of turkeys to their appearance, it seems that even board certified plastic surgeons have something to learn about beauty from these birds. A new study published just yesterday in PLoS Genetics, a scientific journal, has a new revelation on the nature of beauty, at least among members of a particular species if not to those of who exist outside the species. In other words, a turkey might not look like much to you and me, but to another turkey...

The research basically goes to why, when all of us humans are essentially similar genetically, there are obviously enormous differences when it comes to how we perceive each other in terms of beauty, male or female. We all know, when it comes to good looks, there's a pretty wide gulf between, say, movie star Brad Pitt and Kentucky senator Mitch McConnell even if their DNA helices might not be all that different. So, let's just say that we're all turkeys -- what would make the most amazing plastic surgery before and after results? Who is the turkey Brad and the turkey McConnell?

Well, according to the study it has to do not what sets of genes we have, but how they are expressed. More interestingly, though, it was the turkeys that had the most typically male expressions of those genes that became dominant. In other words, while two turkey brothers might have very similar genes, the one with the more classically male turkey expression of the genes was likely to be dominant and lead the way in mating and siring offspring. Studies are upcoming on female turkeys, but right now the smart money is on the most traditionally female looking turkeys getting their pick of the most desirable males.

While it's obvious that even the very best plastic surgeons can't transform even the most attractive male turkey into a peacock, understanding why it is we perceive certain qualities as attractive on a genetic level might help us to understand just how to bring out the most attractive visual qualities in our patients. It's a clue, albeit a small one.

If you think now it might be time to have the very best plastic surgeons in town bring out the best in you, you just might want to call We Know Beauty at 310-300-1500 or visit us

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